
Ever wonder about this site? This site is not a huge corporation – iamtheavalanchenyc.com started as our personal link list in 2018 because we wanted to share the websites we found while surfing porn on the net from my student dig in London. The design wasn’t exquisite as we didn’t know much about making web pages, but we had fun looking for more and more sites to add. The idea was to have a way to organize all the sites we found out there into one place. Back then it was more difficult to find websites, but gradually our link collection grew.

Our collection grew so large that we had to organize them somehow – we felt that without a way to search the links, no one would be able to find what they were looking for, and some excellent sites have been buried. We tested several types of software till we found one that worked for us, and that’s when iamtheavalanchenyc.com and the web site directory started to take shape.

As we mentioned, we didn’t know very much about websites and design, so as the site grew and the longer, we spend on it, the more we learned about design. Iamtheavalanchenyc.com changed looks, functions, and layout as we got better at web design. So iamtheavalanchenyc.com and us, we grew together really. As we got better so did iamtheavalanchenyc.com.